Welcome our new Executive Director!

We are so excited to welcome our new Executive Director, Veronica Rimbert to the Leadville Trail 100 Legacy Foundation.  Veronica brings over 12 years of experience, working with Colorado Outward Bound School, a non-profit wilderness education program, with a base camp located here in Leadville.  As a 2 time finisher of the LT 100 MTB, and captain of the Outward Bound Aid station for the LT 100 RUN, she is already a solid member of our Leadville family.  She brings a passion for outdoor recreation and the success of the greater Leadville community and is excited about the opportunity to serve both of these purposes with the Legacy Foundation.

Please join us in welcoming her to the Leadville Trail 100 Legacy Foundation, we are thrilled to have her on our team!


Spring has sprung


Changing Lives, a Letter from Ken & Merilee