Trail 100 Scholarships

Each year the Leadville Trail 100 Legacy Foundation awards a $2,000 scholarship to every Lake County High School & Cloud City High School graduate looking to pursue any form of higher education. 

All graduating seniors from Lake County / Cloud City High School who will be advancing their education are welcome to apply.  Graduates choosing to attend college, junior college, or vocational school are eligible.  Students should apply within 3 years of graduating. 

In order to receive your $2,000 Legacy Scholarship email your request for funds along with the following information to;

  • Name of Financial Institution

  • Financial Aid office mailing address

  • Your new Student ID #

  • Start date

    And finally, mail your letter of thanks to the Legacy Foundation Board of Directors at:

    LT100 Legacy Foundation

    PO Box 1

    Leadville CO 80461